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Wordless Wednesday – Chinola

One of the first foods that was available in Puerto Plata as soon as I arrived was Passion Fruit, they call it Chinola over there and we call it Parchita in Venezuela. I was so happy, passion fruit is my favorite fruit and I don’t get to eat it here in California. Later on I realized that they use it very often EVERYWHERE they can. How delicious. It is served fresh during breakfast or as snack. It is also added in desserts, either fresh or in the recipe. Oh and there are Chinola cocktails too! My paradise!! I ate as much as I could!
passion fruit

– E S PA Ñ O L –

Una de las primeras comidas que tuve en Puerto Plata apenas llegué fué Chinola (Así le dicen allá, nosotros le decimos Parchita en Venezuela o hay lugares donde le dicen maracuyá). Me contentó mucho porque la chinola es mi fruta favorita y aquí en California no la como casi. Después durante el vijae me di cuenta que la usan muchísimo en todo, la sirven fresca en el desayuno o en jugo, o en la merienda, también ma usan mucho en postres fresca o como parte de la receta (mousse de parchita!! que rico!). Ah y porsupuesto que hay cocteles de Chinola! Yo traté de comer chinola lo más que pude!


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