outdoors San Diego Summer summer camp Summer on Mami Talks Uncategorized

The Living Coast – Summer on Mami Talks

The Living Coast is a Nature Center here in San Diego. Adrian went there for a 3-day camp last week. We had been there several years ago just to visit and it’s really nice. It was called “Chula Vista Nature Center” before and they changed their name and branding which I really really like BTW.
There is a bus that takes the visitors to the center, they only have one road that is built on top of a marsh. I like that when you get there it feels you are closer to nature, cars and roads are far, plus they even have a walking trails to explore and to walk to the beach.
The camp Adrian went is called Super Senses, this is their description:

Sniff like a shark, touch like an octopus and hear like a barn owl. As we use our 5 senses, we’ll examine the awesome ways animals use theirs.

They have tons of different camps! I didn’t know which one to choose because they all looked so fun, I think at the end any of them is great.
I loved how super organized the whole process is, we had to get there early enough to drop him off so they can all ride the bus with the group, and they love that part a lot already!
The first day Adrian said they saw an owl and they came back with a cute owl mask that he made there, he was really excited every time he finished. They did crafts, they saw different animals, they talked about the animals and they touched some of them like Mr T (The turtle on the photos). 
I think I’m enjoying the summer camp season more than anyone here, LOL! I get so excited cause it reminds me all the summer camps I used to go when I was a kid, I LOVED it! I also like the change of routine, having to drive to different parts of the city is fun. The days I took Adrian to Chula Vista I went to run in a different park down there and then stayed with my mom (she was staying with us for a week) at Starbucks working a little bit until it was time to pick him up.
We toured the center for a little bit and saw the amazing exhibit Washed Ashore that they have right now (see sneak-peak photos below), I took lots more pictures and think it’s worth talking about it in another post, so stay tuned for that one!

Disclosure: The Living Coast invited Adrian for a summer camp. As always all opinions are 100% my own.

– E S P A Ñ O L –
The Living Coast es un Centro de Naturaleza aquí en San Diego. Adrian fué allí la semana pasada a un campamento de verano por 3 días. Nosotros ya habíamos visitado el sentro hace años y es bien bonito (antes se llamaba Chula Vista Nature Center, ahora cambiaron de nombre y de imágen que por cierto me FASCINA el diseño 🙂
Hay un autobus que lleva a los visitantes del centro, es la única manera de llegarle, la carretera se construyó en un marsh y cuando uno llega allí de verdad se siente más cerca de la naturaleza, todo tranquilito, hasta tienen unos caminos bellos para or a caminar y recorrer las playas de ahí cerca.
El campamento al que Adri fué se llama Super Senses, esta es la descripción de ellos traducida:

Huele como un tiburón, toca como un pulpo y oye como un búo. Al mismo tiempo en usamos nuestros 5 sentidos examinaremos todas las maneras en que los animales usan los de ellos.

Tienen muchísimo campamentos de todo tipo! Yo ni sabía cual escojer porque se veían todos chéveres, la verdad creo qeu cualquiera es buenísimo.

A mi me gustó mucho que están muy bien organizados con todo el proceso desde que lo inscribí hasta el último día en que lo recojí. Teníamos que llegar tempranito para que se pudieran ir todos junto en el autobús con el grupo, y a todos los niñitos les encantaba el autobús.
El primer día salieron todos con una máscara de búo muy linda que hicieron ellos mismos, siempre salía emcionado. Hicieron manualidades, vieron diferentes animalitos, hablaron acerca de ellos y hasta tocaron algunos como por ejemplo Mr T (la tortuga de las fotos).
Yo creo que estoy disfrutando más que nadie esta temporada de campamentos de verano, jaja! me emociona mucho porque me hace recordar a los que yo fuí cuando era chiquita y me ENCANTABAN! También me gusta mucho el cambio de rutina y el hecho de manejar a diferentes lugares de la ciudad a mi me distrae mucho. Los días en que llevé a Adrian a Chula Vista aproveché de trotar por ahí cerca y después trabajé un rato desde un Starbucks (con mi mamá que nos estuvo visitando por una semana) hasta que era hora de buscar a Adri.
También le dimos un pequeño tour al centro y vimos la exposición que tienen que se llama Washed Ashore (vean las fotos arriba). Me pareció excelente y tomé más fotos y por eso le quiero dedicar otro post separado, así que estén pendientes!
Aclaratoria: The Living Coast invitó a Adrian a un campamento de verano. Como siempre todas las opiniones son 100% mías. 

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  • Reply
    Tonya Staab
    June 29, 2012 at 4:17 pm

    Oh how fun, my kids are doing the shark camp there in a couple of weeks and cannot wait, it's been a few years since we went there too, it looks so beautiful and your photography is just amazing.

    • Reply
      July 13, 2012 at 8:04 am

      Ooh, I'm sure they'll have lots of fun!!

  • Reply
    Maggie @ Mama Maggies
    June 29, 2012 at 6:07 pm

    I remember when it was the Chula Vista Nature Center. I haven't been since they changed it. Your pictures are great! I must pay a visit. I'm loving camp season too. 🙂

    • Reply
      July 13, 2012 at 8:05 am

      Thanks Maggie! It is getting a lift and the exhibit right now is amazing too!

  • Reply
    Signing Mama
    June 30, 2012 at 7:13 am

    This is exactly the type of camp I want my kids to experience – will definately be checking it out – sometimes with a 3 year old he can't tag along with the 5yo and 6yo so I'm eager to see.

    • Reply
      July 13, 2012 at 8:06 am

      yeah, they have for all ages, lmk if you try it!!

  • Reply
    June 30, 2012 at 4:11 pm

    Looks like so much fun!!!

    • Reply
      July 13, 2012 at 8:07 am

      Yes Marce! It is amazing how much stuff they can do there to have fun!

  • Reply
    L.A. Story
    July 4, 2012 at 5:55 pm

    This looks so fun! I bet Adrian had a great time. 🙂

    • Reply
      July 13, 2012 at 8:08 am

      Yes he did Laura, wich I can put him there for mew days!!

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