activity San Diego TRIPS Uncategorized

San Diego Children’s Museum

So much to do

I was supposed to post this long time ago when we went to this museum.

It was such an inspiration. We LOVED it! I fell in love with the colors and the design, I started taking pictures of everything there! I had almost 400 pictures and it took me a while to edit them, that explains why it took me so long! I made little collages so that you can see more of them.


There is not much to talk about this place because it is a place to go and experiment in person, the kids can touch and play with everything, so much TO DO and TO SEE, pictures say it better take a look here and there are more in my flickr.

If you go to San Diego with kids this place is a MUST, I want to go again just to be inspired!! LOVE it!



Tenía que haber escrito este post hace años que fué cuando fuimos a este museo.
Fué tan inspirador. Nos fascinó! De verdad que me enamoré de los colors que usan y del diseño de todo, le tomaba fotos a todo lo que veía! Tenía casi 400 fotos en total para editar, por eso me tardé tanto! Hice collages aquí para poder poner bastantes más.

La verdad no hay muchas palabras que decir de este sitio, es un museo donde los niños pueden TOCAR todo, JUGAR, VER, SENTIR, en fin! Las iméagenes lo explican mejor, dense gusto aquí y en my flicker hay más.

Si van a San Diego con niños este museo es un sitio donde TIENEN que ir! Quiero ir de nuevo, seguro me dará mucha inspiración, me ENCANTA!


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  • Reply
    October 5, 2010 at 2:35 pm

    What great pictures Dariela! And what a fun place to visit…will definitely be on our list next time we are in San Diego!

  • Reply
    October 5, 2010 at 10:25 pm

    OOOh! This looks like fun. We'll make sure to make a stop here next time we make our way down to SD.

  • Reply
    October 6, 2010 at 4:52 am

    Yes ladies! You do need to stop by if you are in San Diego!!

  • Reply
    Jenn Kirk
    October 7, 2010 at 5:23 pm

    This place is amazing. We were talking about visiting Legoland down in SD, but tickets are so expensive. This looks way better.

  • Reply
    October 16, 2010 at 12:17 am

    What a WONDERFUL resource this museum is! How I wish we had one like it here in NC.

    I know I will be sure to try to visit if we are ever in the SD area.

  • Reply
    October 18, 2010 at 4:23 pm

    That museum looks great! The ones here in Orlando aren't quite as fabulous. 😉

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