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Room Decor, Undecor and Growth Chart


So, I have showed you how Adrian’s room looks when it’s neat and clean, which rarely happens. Well, the other day I was pretty happy that he was playing by himself in his room for a while and when I came to see him I was in shock!

Yes, he did all that by himself! We make him cleanup his room everyday before bedtime but this time I had to start way before bedtime, LOL!

Adrian's mess 
Ya le he enseñado como se ve el cuarto de Adrian cuando está ordenadito, lo cual casi nunca ocurre. 
Bueno, el otro día estaba jugando solito en su cuarto por bastante tiempo y yo feliz, pero después que vine a ver, me encontré con esta sorpresa!!

Si, lo hizo el solito! Nosotros le hacemos que ordene su cuarto antes de dormirse todos los días pero esta vez tuvimos que empezar desde más temprano, jaja!

Nuestro cuarto y kitty Ally

On the other hand, this is how our room looks with Maya’s little pack and play in there, I had hanged some of the cards that I got from her baby shower, it’s a great solution for them , I like seeing them and you don’t have to put them away where you wont see them in a long time!

Por otro lado aquí está nuestro cuarto como se ve compartido con Maya, yo le guindé algunas de las tarjetas que me regalaron  en el baby shower, fué una buena idea para verlas y usarlas en vez de guardarlas y no verla por mucho tiempo o incluso tener que botarlas! 🙁

Our room

Baby Shower Cards as decoration

Baby Shower Cards as decoration

I also wanted to show you that I finally got a growth chart for Adrian, and now Maya of course. I was waiting for one that I really liked and I won it over at May’s blog!! It’s designed by Eric Carle, which is awesome! Adrian is 3″ 3″

New Growth chart

También les quiero enseñar que finalmente tenemos una tablita de crecimiento para los niños. Estaba buscando desde hace tiempo una pero como soy medio maniática para el diseño, no había encontyrado una que me gustara al 100% y esta me la gané en el blog de May!! Está diseñada por Eric Carle, quien hace ilustarciones maravillosas. Adrian mide 3′ 3″ ~~sorry, no hay centímetros aquí 🙁

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  • Reply
    September 17, 2010 at 6:27 pm

    OMG! Looks like a bomb went out in his room. But kids will be kids ;).

  • Reply
    Mary Elizabeth
    September 17, 2010 at 10:42 pm

    Lol…That's a big surprise!
    I love the growth chart.
    Adrian is cute!

  • Reply
    September 18, 2010 at 2:34 pm

    OMG!!!! Tengo que prepararme para eso, menos mal que me lo adelantaste. Me temo que Samuel va a ser la locura porque yo lo era… pobrecita mi mamá.

    Me encanta todo lo que cuentas: la decoración de ambos cuartos, las tarjetas del baby de Maya, la tablita de crecimiento ¡Qué bella!


  • Reply
    Elizabeth a.k.a Liz
    October 6, 2010 at 12:04 pm

    LOL! Thats what my sons room looks like too! I need to teach him how to pick him his room everyday…its chaos! I definitely need to work on a makeover! Thanks for sharing!

  • Reply
    October 7, 2010 at 4:41 am

    Liz, thanks for visiting and commenting! It is hard work to teach them to pick up the room but it's worth it! It's never too late to start LOL!

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