family outdoors Uncategorized

Mother’s Day

For mother’s day last Sunday we went to a BIG botanical garden in Arcadia, this is located about 35 min from us. It’s called The Arboretum. It was a wonderful place and a great day!!

Adrian did so well! He went all day without a nap given the circumstances, there was sooo much to see for him! Animals, trees, water everywhere! There where so many Peacocks!! Everywhere! They where friendly too 😉

Adrian loved it. After that we went to have lunch and he wasn’t complaining so much at the restaurant, we finally came home around 5pm and he was done 2 min after hoping in the car until the next day!

By the way we used a new leash we got recently and it worked wonders!! I really recommend it! I know some of you might think it’s strange or not right to have your child in a leash but believe me it’s the best, at this age they want to run everywhere by themselves and they never get tired!! They don’t want to be in the stroller for long either so with this cute thing we can let him walk/run but with some control!

Hope all of you Mothers had a great day as well!
Next weekend we will be going to Palm Springs for a weekend getaway (Only Derek and me!) This will be the first time that we travel without Adrian, we really need it but I know we will miss him tons too. My mamita will be taking care of Adrian and don’t worry mami cause as you know I don’t call every 10 minutes. We will relax and come back renovated! haha!

Check out more pictures here.

More words!!
COCO: cookie
KUGO or GUGO: Jugo (pronounce “hugo” – juice in spanish)
APO: We don’t know what it means! But he repeats it many times in different occacions!

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  • Reply
    May 15, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    Las fotos del Jardín Botánico estan hermosas, se ve que la pasaste muy bien en tu día… FELICIDADES!!!

  • Reply
    May 15, 2008 at 11:52 pm

    Gracias Caro, feliz día para ti también!!!

  • Reply
    May 16, 2008 at 3:57 am


    Que bello paseo!! eso es un regalo para los sentidos y que chévere que esta vez les haya ido mucho mejor en el restaurant.

    Te cuento que Jorge Alberto tiene también su cinturón -aunque todavía no lo hemos usado- pero estamos convencidos que es una tranquilidad para todos.

    Que tengan un lindo y romántico viaje (que tanta falta hace).

    Olvidé felicitarte en el mensaje anterior por el primer año de tu blog, así que felicidades! y estoy pendiente con la rifa que vas a hacer.


  • Reply
    Amiene Rev
    May 16, 2008 at 12:49 pm

    Happy mother’s day. And happy teacher days.

    A mother is a teacher. Yea…

  • Reply
    May 18, 2008 at 6:59 pm

    Acabo de llegar de mi escapada… madre mía lo que habeis posteado en apenas cuatro días que he faltado por aquí… tengo muchísimos post por leer.

    Un saludito!

    P.D. Vendré más despacito para comentar.


  • Reply
    May 19, 2008 at 6:28 pm

    Usa el cinturon en cuanto puedas y nos cuentas! Es buenísimo!!

    Ya llegamos del viaje y nos fué muy chévere pero muy corto 🙁 Para la próxima por lo mínimo 3 noches!!

    Si, acuérdate de pasar por aquí el 5 de Junio!!

    Que bueno que ya andas de regreso, saludos y esta casa siempre está abierta para ti!!

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